
Consultations for

The Psychology and Military Intelligence Casebook on Interrogation Ethics

Commentary on “Psychological Stress Experiments on Soldiers”
Harold William Rood, PhD
Political scientist and retired intelligence analyst and interrogation trainer
October 1, 2008Consult_-_Rood.html
Commentary on “Psychological Stress Experiments on Soldiers”
Thomas Blass, PhD
Social psychologist and expert on coercion
October 6, 2008Consult_-_Blass.html
Framing the Casebook
Jonathan Marks, PhD
Bioethicist and barrister
July 24, 2008Consult_-_Marks.html
Framing the Casebook
Charles Young, PhD
Moral philosopher
September 25, 2008Consult_-_Young.html
Commentary on “Psychological Stress Experiments on Soldiers”
“Chaplain A” (anonymized upon request)
U.S. Army Chaplain
October 13, 2008Consult_-_ChaplainA.html
Commentary on 
“Recruiting Research Psychologists for National Security Applications”
Academic psychologist funded by the Department of Homeland Security (anonymized upon request)
October 22, 2008Consult_-_SocSci.html

Psychologists in the Persian Gulf War and the War on Terror, Part I

Psychological Operations program leader (anonymized upon request)

November 5, 2008

Commentary on 
“Psychological Treatment of a Whistleblower in the War on Terror”
“Chaplain B” (anonymized upon request)
Retired U.S. Army Chaplain
November 10, 2008Consult_-_ChaplainB.html

Psychologists in the Persian Gulf War and the War on Terror, Part II

Psychological Operations program leader (anonymized upon request)

November 12, 2008

Commentary on 
“Psychological Treatment of a Whistleblower in the War on Terror”
Lawrence Rockwood, PhD
Historian and former U.S. Army counterintelligence officer
December 8, 2008Consult_-_Rockwood.html
Conceptualizing Death in National Security Settings
Grant Marler
Philosopher and former U.S. Air Force intelligence analyst
December 15, 2008Consult_-_Marler.html
Commentary on 
“Psychologists and U.S. Coercive Interrogations”
Major David Frakt
U.S. Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps attorney
March 16, 2009Consult_-_Frakt.html



Psychologists’ Assistance to Interrogators in Afghanistan
Jose Rivas (pseudonym)
U.S. Army interrogator
January 19, 2009Consult_-_Rivas.html
Anthropology’s Engagement with the Security Sector
Robert Albro, PhD
Ad Hoc Commission on Anthropology’s Engagement with the Security and Intelligence Communities, Chair
June 17, 2009Consult_-_Albro.html
Commentary on 
“Psychologists and U.S. Coercive Interrogations’
Industrial and international military psychologist
April 15, 2009Consult_-_Foreign_Military_Psych.html
Torture Interrogation, Personnel Debriefing, and Medical Interview from the Interrogatee’s Perspective
David Senesh, PhD
May 13, 2009Consult_-_Senesh.html
Commentary on 
“Psychologists and U.S. Coercive Interrogations”
Peter Gumpert
Organizational consultant for corporations and government agencies
April 6, 2009Consult_-_Gumpert.html
Censure of Anthropologists by the American Anthropological Association
Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, PhD
Ad Hoc Commission on Anthropology’s Engagement with the Security and Intelligence Communities, Member. American Anthropological Association Committee on Ethics, Past Chair
July 10, 2009Consult_-_Fluehr.html
Commentary on 
“Recruiting Research Psychologists for National Security Applications”
Brian Snow
Former senior civilian employee with the National Security Agency
November 18, 2008Consult_-_Snow.html
The Development of the American Psychiatric Association Position Statement on Psychiatric Participation in Interrogation of Detainees
Howard Zonana, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry at Yale University, Clinical Professor (Adjunct) of Law at Yale Law School, and former Chair of the American Psychiatric Association Council on Psychiatry and the Law
July 22, 2009Consult_-_Zonana.html
International Health Professional Consultation
David Nicholl, PhD
British neurologist and honorary senior lecturer at City Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, and the University of Birmingham, England
November 4, 2009Consult_-_Nicholl.html
Mental Health Professionals as Military Subcontractors
Kernan Manion, MD
December 12, 2009Consult_-_Manion.html

Torture Interrogations in Israel

Two Israeli Psychiatrists (anonymized upon request)

October 14, 2009